Mastopexy is cosmetic surgery that is performed to lift and reposition the breasts when they have fallen due to different causes such as pregnancy, weight gain, weight reduction, among others. Breast lift is usually accompanied by an increase in the volume of the breasts with implants to not only leave them raised, warm, but also with a size suitable for the weight and height of women.

A properly positioned sinus is determined depending on various anatomical aspects, such as the site of greatest volume, and the position of the areola. However, not only is an evaluation of the areola, it also evaluates the type and quality of the skin and the size of the breast to determine which surgical procedure would be the most indicated. A fallen breast produces an unsightly aspect of the breast that affects women in all aspects, generating changes in their self-esteem, difficulties in the wardrobe, changes in their relationship with their partners, etc.

When is the breast dropped?

In order to define whether a breast is fallen or lowered, this refers to two aspects: the position of the breast tissue and the position of the areola with respect to the breast groove.

What's ptosis?

It is the medical word derived from the Greek that means fall.

Mammary ptosis (Ptosis-fall, Breast-sinus).

How many types of ptosis are there?

Regnault breast ptosis refers to the location of the nipple with respect to the breast groove. If the areola is below the groove or lower fold of the breast, it is said that the breast is sagging or ptosic and depending on how low it is, it is classified in GI, II and III

Glandular ptosis: A pseudoptosis of the breast has been called this way when the nipple is well positioned but the largest volume of breast tissue is below the areola giving the appearance of a sagging breast.

Why do the breast fall?

The sagging of the breasts is caused by the weight of the breasts, the lack of tension of the ligaments and the skin to support the breast. There are several physiological conditions that weaken these structures such as weight variations, pregnancies, breast hypertrophies (abnormal growth of the breasts) and patients who do not wear a bra, among others.

What's a mastopexy?

It is the medical name used to define the surgery that seeks to lift the breast to its ideal location.

What mastopexy techniques are there?

There are several techniques to perform this surgery and they are related to the final scar on the breast. The choice of procedure is different for each patient, which will be evaluated individually by Dr Yesid Cardenas Plastic Surgeon who will give you the best recommendation in your case.

Periareolar mastopexy

Leaves a circular scar around the areola.

Vertical mastopexy

It leaves a scar around the areola and a vertical scar that extends from the bottom of the pear-shaped scar to the breast groove.

Inverted T-mastopexy 

It leaves a scar like the one described in vertical mastopexy, adding a horizontal scar over the breast groove, giving the shape of an inverted T.

L or J Mastopexy

As its name implies, it is a scar that leaves the shape of “L” or “J” on the infraareolar area of ​​the breast (lower pole of the breast).

This procedure can be combined with other techniques to improve breast projection giving a natural, young, attractive appearance, improving your self-esteem and the relationship with your partner.

When are implants or protheses used in breast lift?

Mastopexy is a technique that can be performed by rearranging the natural tissues of the breast, improving shape and position. However, many times patients do not have breasts large enough with adequate breast tissue to generate an adequate shape. In this case, the use of breast implants or prostheses is used to increase volume and improve breast shape.

What size is recommended for mastopexy?

This is a very difficult question to answer in a generic way. It is the advice of your surgeon that allows the correct volume to be chosen in conjunction with the patient in each case.

Where is the implant located?

Just like when performing breast implant surgery, the breast prosthesis can be placed in front of or behind the muscle.

How long does it take to recover?

This depends on the implant location site. The implants located behind the muscle generally hurt and disable the patient more, mainly when mobilizing the arms. This disability can be from 7 to 10 days on average.

What's the difference between round and anatomical implants?


Prostheses or breast implants are silicone bags with different shapes, sizes and contents, they can be:

• Round breast protheses

They are the most used in cosmetic surgeries, because they offer better versatility in the results and provide a rounded shape in the upper part of the breast. These implants have a circular base, with a circular projection shape. The implant projection refers to the height of the implant, generating a sub classification of these implants which are called low profile, high profile and ultra-high profile.

• Anatomical breast protheses

Its shape is a drop of water or tear, sometimes called pear-shaped, some women choose them because they give a more natural shape to the breast.

Breast implants are made of a material that covers them and another material that is inside.

The covering material can be of two types of silicone or polyurethane, materials that are very compatible with the human body and therefore their use is allowed. The most used are the first and are classified according to roughness, in micro-textured, textured or smooth.

The content of the implants can be of two types: silicone or saline, each with its advantages and disadvantages that Dr. Yesid Cárdenas Plastic Surgeon will explain in consultation.

Silicone gel: this gel can be of two types

Soft gel: When filling the breast prostheses with this soft gel material, the breast is not maintained in a permanent form, it changes and changes shape according to the movements and the pressure received.

Cohesive gel: It is a hard filler that maintains the breast prostheses with their shape and does not change before the movements and pressures exerted on the breasts. If this cohesive gel-filled prosthesis breaks, it does not lose its shape, and its contents do not expand outside of the prosthetic shell.

What is the best brand of breast implants?

The choice of implant: Dr Yesid Cárdenas during your consultation will help you choose the breast implant with the characteristics that best suit your weight and height, to give a proportionate body and satisfy you.

Implant brands: There is now great fear regarding the brands of prostheses, however the implants used by Dr. Yesid Cárdenas Plastic Surgeon, are implants that are approved in Europe and approved in the United States by the FDA, which is It reduces to 3 brands of implants that Dr. Yesid Cárdenas will explain to you in the consultation.

Can the baby be fed after the breast lift?

Patients who undergo breast prosthetic surgery may become pregnant and feed their baby normally. Regardless of the location of the implants in front of or behind the muscle (Retroglandular or Retromuscular), it does not alter the function of the mammary gland, which is why you will be able to feed your children.

Can breast implants cause cancer?

Breast implants are made of silicone, a material that has been reported by the medical literature as biocompatible, meaning that the human body generally tolerates it without causing rejection. According to the FDA report, breast implants do not cause cancer. However, a very low association has been established between the use of breast implants and anaplastic large cell lymphoma.

Can breast tenderness be lost after lifting?

Breast augmentation surgery can cause changes in breast sensitivity, with an increase or decrease in it. Increased sensitivity or hypersensitivity presents as pain, cramping, or rushing. The decrease in sensitivity can be variable and you can even anesthetize the breast. This alteration does not usually occur in the entire breast, it generally occurs in the areolar region and in the area below the areola. These alterations generally improve with the post-surgical evolution but in some cases it persists.


You can find the pre-surgical recommendations by clicking here. The post surgical recommendations will be provided and explained by Dr. Yesid Cárdenas Plastic Surgeon in Medellín - Colombia, who will answer all your questions such as the price of breast lift surgery or mastopexy, time of surgery, if it is with general anesthesia or local, among others. I wait for you.



Breast augmentation surgery with implants also called augmentation mammoplasty with prosthesis, breast implant surgery is a cosmetic surgery that is frequently performed in Medellin and Bucaramanga, which aims to increase the size of the breasts achieving a natural, harmonious and provided, taking into account the beauty patterns of the woman's body. The breasts have been a fundamental body area in the social and personal life of women. This surgery improves the breast volume generating an important anatomical change but also produces an increase in femininity, sensuality, self-esteem, security, social and family performance.




What's the difference between round and anatomical implants?

Prostheses or breast implants are silicone bags with different shapes, sizes and contents, they can be:

 Round breast prostheses

They are the most used in cosmetic surgeries, because they offer better versatility in the results and provide a rounded shape in the upper part of the breast. These implants have a circular base, with a circular projection shape. The implant projection refers to the height of the implant, generating a sub classification of these implants which are called low profile, high profile and ultra-high profile.

• Anatomical breast prostheses

Its shape is a drop of water or tear, sometimes called pear-shaped, some women choose them because they give a more natural shape to the breast.

Breast implants are made of a material that covers them and another material that is inside.

The covering material can be of two types of silicone or polyurethane, materials that are very compatible with the human body and therefore their use is allowed. The most used are the first and are classified according to roughness, in micro-textured, textured or smooth.


The content of the implants can be of two types: silicone or saline, each with its advantages and disadvantages that Dr. Yesid Cárdenas Plastic Surgeon explained to you in the consultation.

Silicone gel: this gel can be of two types

Soft gel: When filling the breast prostheses with this soft gel material, the breast is not maintained in a permanent form, it changes and changes shape according to the movements and the pressure received.

Cohesive gel: It is a hard filler that maintains the breast prostheses with their shape and does not change before the movements and pressures exerted on the breasts. If this cohesive gel-filled prosthesis breaks, it does not lose its shape, and its contents do not expand outside of the prosthetic shell.

What is the best brand of breast implants?

The choice of implant: Dr Yesid Cárdenas during your consultation will help you choose the breast implant with the characteristics that best suit your weight and height, to give a proportionate body and satisfy you.

Implant brands: There is now great fear regarding the brands of prostheses, however the implants used by Dr. Yesid Cárdenas Plastic Surgeon, are implants that are approved in Europe and approved in the United States by the FDA, which is It reduces to 3 brands of implants that Dr. Yesid Cárdenas will explain to you in the consultation.

Is it better to place the implants in front of or behind the muscle?

This response should be guided by your plastic surgeon, because the location of the implant in front of the muscle (Retroglandular) or behind the muscle (Retromuscular) achieves a particular shape in the breast, benefits and disadvantages. However, depending on what the patient wants to achieve in her surgery, it will be recommended to locate the retromuscular or retrglandular implants.

Do breast implants last a lifetime?

Breast prostheses in my opinion do not last a lifetime. They are prostheses that have a very long durability, but the only way to verify that statement would be to do real studies and see in patients how long they last and if they really tolerate the wear caused by the body to a foreign element.

How often do you have to change breast implants?

The breast implants according to the FDA have a duration of 10 years, however today V generation implants are being used, more resistant implants with which it is thought that they could resist more than 10 years but that will only be known over time or subsequent studies. However, after 10 years it is recommended to follow up with ultrasounds to verify the integrity of the implants and if they are broken they must be changed.

How long is the recovery time from breast augmentation surgery?

This time is variable, because it depends on the patient's pain tolerance, physical needs, and the location of the breast implant. However, the surgical wound lasts approximately between 8 to 10 days to close, approximately the patient will have adequate mobility of the arms in 10 to 15 days.

Can the baby be fed after breast implant surgery?

Patients who undergo breast prosthetic surgery may become pregnant and feed their baby normally. Regardless of the location of the implants in front of or behind the muscle (Retroglandular or Retromuscular), it does not alter the function of the mammary gland, which is why you will be able to feed your children.

Can breast implants cause cancer?

Breast implants are made of silicone, a material that has been reported by the medical literature as biocompatible, meaning that the human body generally tolerates it without causing rejection. According to the FDA report, breast implants do not cause cancer. However, a very low association has been established between the use of breast implants and anaplastic large cell lymphoma.

Can you lose breast sensitivity?

Breast augmentation surgery can cause changes in breast sensitivity, with an increase or decrease in it. Increased sensitivity or hypersensitivity presents as pain, cramping, or rushing. The decrease in sensitivity can be variable and you can even anesthetize the breast. This alteration does not usually occur in the entire breast, it generally occurs in the areolar region and in the area below the areola. These alterations generally improve with the post-surgical evolution but in some cases it persists.

How to know who is a specialist in breast surgery?

A sub specialty of cosmetic plastic surgery on breasts does not exist so far, there are sub specialists in breast reconstruction surgery, but it is oriented towards breast reconstruction that has different objectives than cosmetic surgery. There are plastic surgeons who operate the breasts very well, as does Dr Yesid Cárdenas who cares about listening and understanding the desire of each patient individually, which allows a high degree of satisfaction in the results.


The pre-surgical and post-surgical recommendations will be provided and explained by Dr. Yesid Cárdenas Plastic Surgeon in Medellín - Colombia, who will answer all your questions such as the price of breast lift surgery with implants or mastopexy with prostheses, time of surgery , if it is with general or local anesthesia, among others. I wait for you.





